Voices for health Project Blog
Despite the growing demand for sexual and reproductive health (SRH)services for young people in West Nile, Partners in Community Development (PICOT) has made a modest contribution to improving youth sexual reproductive health indicators in the districts of Koboko and Maracha through Phase I of the Voices for Health project.
Notable achievements include increased awareness on SRH information and services among in an out of school youth through the dissemination of accurate SRH information using established school health clubs. PICOT engaged out of school youth, through youth groups and selected health workers, whose capacity had been built on the needs for youth friendly service (YFS).
Our Activity Blog!
Our partners
Strategic plan/approaches in 2020
Street casts:
- PICOT has one street cast activity left. This activity will be carefully conducted and target key stakeholders for strategic messages on the need for SRHR policy framework.
- The final work of the street cast will be shared with voices for health partners.
- PICOT will use the final work of street cast to engage stake holders online and take note of their engagement.
- PICOT will share the final product from the street cast with likeminded NGOs in the region and track the actions emerging from the street cast.
Review the previous work of champions
- PICOT will call a review meeting with champions and make presentation on the champion’s specific work.
- PICOT will develop fact sheet on SRHR in collaboration with RAHU, UHMG and CEHURD for champions to push NSHP now now.
- Track the champions work through constant contact of their engagement in their spaces and through project-based platforms.
Cascade UHMG media and crisis communication training.
- PICOT will cascade the above training for the remaining champions.
- PICOT will identify opportunities of engagement and tracking together with champions during this meeting.
- Document the work of the champions and share it with partners and young leaders
Review meeting
- Hold a review meeting with young leaders to reflect on the 2019 engagement. Focus will be on pros and cons.
- Emphasis strategic thinking and implementation of the activities
- Bring on board new young leaders and convene refresher training for them.
- Provide updated tips of digital media engagement especially twitter.
Street cast
- Interview some young leaders for the street cast
- Share the final content of the street cast for media engagement
Hold sporting event
- During sporting event PICOT will document views, comments, and reactions, HIS of young people to inform online content.
- Young leaders push the NSHP now now hastag
- Voices clips of players will be recorded for further engagement.
- Champions will be slotted in and provided content of messages to deliver.
- Local media will be invited to report the proceeding
- News bulletins of the proceedings will be documented and shared.
Document HIS
- PCIOT will work with young leaders to identify and document HIS
- Edit the stories and produce final work for sharing with local and voices for health partners.
- Use the stories to push the NSHP now now online.
- Share the video content with health facilities.
Track the young leaders’ online engagement
- Operationalize the free social media analytics.
- Document and track opposition online to inform content development strategy.
Publishing blogs on the blog site
- Fasten the blog developing process.
- Provide fact sheet on the SRHR issues in the west nile region
- Track actions generated by the blog
Identify new local media opportunity
- Identify local media opportunity to engage young leaders and champions
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